Summer is a special time in Duluth. The woods are dotted with hikers, the trails busy with bikers, and the shore buzzing with runners and paddlers. True North AmeriCorps has partnered with Youth Outdoors Duluth to make sure that kids in Duluth who might not typically have access to outdoor adventures are getting in on the action.
On May 16, thirteen True North AmeriCorps members started their training in preparation for summer programs. They worked closely with Melody David-Mcknight, coordinator of Youth Outdoors Duluth (YOD), to learn the outdoor education curriculum YOD has developed. They prepared to teach a range of outdoor activities to young people, including knot tying, paddling, shelter building, animal tracking, and more.
As school has come to a close, summer programs are now in full swing. Summer AmeriCorps members are up-and-running at sites across Duluth, including Chester Bowl Adventure Club, YMCA Camp Kitchigami, Valley Youth Center, Neighborhood Youth Services, Hartley Nature Center, Duluth Children’s Museum, Kids’ Cafe at Damiano Center, and Harbor Highlands Community Center. We can’t wait to share pictures and stories of the outdoor education and adventure they are providing!